It is easy
to grieve the loss of youth.
The loss of firm flesh,
the loss of hair,
the loss of vitality, energy,
the loss
of dreamy dreams.
It is easy
to complain of aching
to complain of aging
to complain of softer rounder
body parts.
It is easy.
So don't do the easy thing.
Be creative.
Laugh at your stumbles and bumbles.
Embrace your new style
the one that says
"Im a grown-up, I don't wear
trendy teenage belly button revealing pants
or tops
even though these silly things
are exactly back
to the ones I did wear
when I was a teenager."
Enjoy the wisdom of your years
and your unique overview
of the world.
Thank God you're still here
whatever "here" means to you right now.
Turn loose of your grief
over goals not met
dreams not realized
places not visited
[insert your regret here].
Start something now.
Something you were too young
and inexperienced
to even dream about
back then.
Do something you love.
Something you didn't even know you loved
back then
because you were too busy
waiting impatiently for life to happen
back then.
Open your heart and love unconditionally.
Give without expecting a return.
Pray knowing God hears you.
Everyone talks about
"living large".
Okay, but how about
living small?
Either way, it's your choice.
Either way is okay.
You can't love your neighbor as yourself
unless you love yourself.
So get started.
And by all means,
don't forget to laugh.
Nudges from God and My Word for 2019
6 years ago