Sunday, May 18, 2014

Not Just a Recital

Yesterday I saw a dance recital.  But it was about so much more than dance. 

I saw exuberant joy in the face of one “special” dancer (Buddy would have called her “one of God’s kids”)  as she leaped and swooped and kicked and grinned, keeping up remarkably well with her able-bodied mainstream classmates.  Pure joy in motion.
I saw baby dancers, all dressed up in their pretty poofy dresses.  As the curtain parted and the music began…..they all just stood there.  Frozen.  Staring at the bright lights.  But then when it came time for each of them to come forward and do a little solo step, I watched as each one came to life and showed their families they really could dance. They really had learned.  And they were beautiful and precious.  And they were proud.

I watched as “dancers of size” proved to the world that elegance in motion is not restricted to the skinny girls.  They performed classic ballet, hip-hop, tap; all of it.  And they smiled and looked pretty and moved with grace.  It made me smile too.
I saw a mixture of love and grief displayed as only teenage humans can feel when tributes were paid to fallen classmates who had passed from this earth too young.  A reminder that the ones they loved will never be forgotten.  A lesson from their teacher that no one is ever really gone. 

I saw a powerful dance routine performed to a song that teaches we are not cool because of the shoes we wear.  We are not puppets of consumerism.  We can take off those shoes and be ourselves.  Wow.  Heady stuff.

I looked on stage and saw kids who had grown in stature and talent and maturity over the years since I started being a spectator at this studio’s recitals.  I saw self confidence where I had once seen hesitance.  I saw broad smiles where I had once seen neutral faces when they danced.  I saw pride.  The good kind. 

I saw awards given to dance students who had displayed special qualities throughout the year. Not just dance qualities, but things like personal integrity and enthusiasm. 

And yes, I thoroughly enjoyed the dancing.  There were many gifted students on stage yesterday, and many who simply love to dance and are learning to do it better and better. 
Because I was also able to attend rehearsals and observe personal interactions, I saw kids who clearly love each other and help lift each other up.  And I saw their teachers filled with love and pride in each of their students. 
Finally I saw Miss Amy.  Owner of the studio and Teacher with a capital T.  I watched her dance her own poetry-in-motion number with a man who had been her student as a young boy, and has grown to manhood with a family of his own, including his own children who are now students at the studio.   And I witnessed (as well as I could with tears in my eyes) her genuine, original, from-the-heart speech to her departing seniors. The speech was written in rhyme and set to music.  And so full of love and Truth it will be inscribed on the hearts of those students for all their lives.  And the audience too.
Yeah, I saw a dance studio’s annual recital yesterday.  But the dancing was only a part of it.  The main attraction was Love, Respect, Inspiration, Self-confidence, Cooperation, and did I say Love?
Oh yes.  It was a dance recital.  But it was about so much more than dance. 
