Sunday, September 16, 2012


The Three Amigas
Well, in keeping with my new endeavor to keep busy and try new things, I went horseback riding the other day.  In truth, it’s not an entirely new thing.  I used to go riding with my friends Deb and Cindy in high school.  They had their own horses.  How cool was that?  But since I had not hoisted myself onto the back of a horse in over 40 years, it was sort of a new thing all over again.  Once again the ’60 Club’ (I call us that but I’m sure they hate it) of Carol, Chris, Betty Sue and I planned a day together.  Betty Sue had a last-minute family celebration so she couldn’t come, but Carol, Chris and I went on The Great Trail Ride Adventure. 

Okay, ‘adventure’ is not exactly the right word.  Chris’s horse “Freckles” kept falling asleep, and my horse “Dusty” stayed awake but obviously just wanted to get it over with and I swear I could hear him muttering under his breath, "Yeah, whatever."  Still, it was a glorious day and the three of us friends really enjoyed being together in the great outdoors, at one with nature and joined in spirit with our magnificent steeds. 

As you can see in the picture (that’s me on the left) we had to wear those doofy helmets.  I wanted to wear a ten gallon hat, but first of all I didn’t have one, and second of all there are safety issues to consider, as evidenced by the phone book-sized stack of release forms we had to sign prior to mounting up, including a clause (I kid you not) that says the stable is not responsible for the weather.  Yeah, apparently a few customers have actually thrown hissy fits because it rained on the day they picked to go riding, and they felt the stable was somehow responsible. 

As I look at the picture, I see that my horse looks kind of….short.  Carol, the most experienced of the riders, was assigned the tallest horse, so she looks positively regal atop her mount (Carol’s the one in the middle.)  And Carol also has her own helmet.  I was impressed.  (Kind of reminds me of when I was in college and they made me the captain of our intramural bowling team because I was the only one who had her own ball.)  And Chris looks happy and comfortable atop Freckles, who appears to be awake in this picture. 

I will boast a little though, because I was the only one who knew ALL the words to Happy Trails To You, even the middle part that nobody knows.  (Thank you Buddy for singing it at the end of every show.) 

So once again, a good time was had by all, and we parted ways with a fond farewell as Carol heads off to Florida for another season.  
Then after that, I went to tap dance class.  But that’s another blog. (That ‘Icy Hot’ stuff really works.)
