Sunday, October 23, 2011

Bran Power

I make these bran muffins.  They are, well... therapeutic... as well as quite delicious.  I have tried various recipes over the years, beginning with a recipe that used regular bran flakes cereal as the main ingredient.  They were nice muffins.  But my current version, uses the kind of bran cereal that contains FOURTEEN grams of fiber per half cup serving.  They are little sticks of dynamite in a box.  I call the new resulting muffins my WMD's. 

One day, back when I first started making these muffins, our air conditioning guy (who is also a friend of ours)  happened to be here, so I gave him a couple to take home.  He called me two days later to tell me, in his quiet and slow deliberate voice, "Those muffins were not only delicious, they had an excellent result."  (His exact words.)  From that day forward, whenever we referred him to a new customer, or he ran into anyone who knows us he would regale them with tales of my very effective muffins.  Strange but true. I guess you never know what someone will remember you for.  Perhaps my epitaph should be "Her muffins were delicious and they had an excellent result." 

Anyway, in keeping with the Fall harvest season upon us, I have recently been adding pumpkin to my muffin recipe.  Oh boy.  More fiber.  

So, I guess I just wanted to say....oops.  Gotta go.
