Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sunrise Service

6:55 AM.  I am sitting on the lanai, wrapped in a blanket, waiting for the sunrise.  It's already light out, but the sun has not yet risen over the trees.  I'm waiting to see that first shaft of orange sunlight wash across the rooftops. 

I'm having my own Sunrise Service this Easter morning.  Waiting.  Listening. 
A joyful-sounding mockingbird is my church choir, along with assorted other birds singing their own songs. 
(I can see the mockingbird perched on the peak of the roof next door.  A constant stream of ever-changing notes, nuances, and rhythm patterns fill the air with crystal clarity.  An impressive string of vocalizations, all unique and totally different from each other, emanate from this little bird. How does he do that?  Why does he do that? One of God's many delightful mysteries.) 

Just now I got a sweet scent of flowers coming from the bush just outside the screen.   My incense.

I can hear the faint sound of traffic on the nearby interstate.  Occasionally the distinctive sound of a trailer truck downshifting, or a motorcycle speeding up, reaches my ears and I think, "Someone is driving that truck and I am connected to him.  Someone is riding that motorcycle and I am connected to him."  I ask God to bless them and keep them safe today.  I can see the white trail of a jet plane flying overhead - way up high - and I ask God to bless and protect all the people inside that tiny dot in the sky. 

Oh, a couple of Sandhill Cranes, with their clattery, metallic voices, have just joined the choir, and the sweet floral scent just intensified a bit.  This is a great service so far. 

A single phrase has been repeating itself in my head ever since I woke up:  "The stone is rolled away."  I sit quietly and let the phrase repeat as the morning grows ever brighter.  And there it is...that first shaft of sunlight shining on the rooftops.  I love it.

Another Sandhill Crane flies overhead.  It's a huge bird.  It's so big one wonders how could it possibly fly?

One wonders.  Jesus was so dead, how could he possibly live?  But he did. And he does. 

"The stone is rolled away."  Hallelujah!  The Son has risen!

Happy Easter Everyone


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